^*..Do you love me? *Say yes*..Please..Say that you do!
The blood flowing in my heart is resistant..*^
^*..Asks why I love you so..I but look into your eyes and you are born into my soul..Into the depths of a sublime moment..
With one look from you my affection flourishes all the more..
From your body to mine there persists an enormous chill..*^
^*..I observe your sparkling bright stars..Which illuminate my desire-driven conscience..I fear losing you..
Though in fact never have you been my own..
And sense the eternities that sweeten my passionate expression..*^
^*..Your body within mine becomes a deed..Your skin takes my skin over..Creating a profound system of linked steel..
A ship going asunder..Passion its weighty cargo..
Your eyes are the founders of my torment..My delirium..
I love you with all that I am..*^
^*..Should loving you cost me my life..I shall have been born..
In the warm bed of your bosom..
In the brilliant waves of your gaze..*^