Rejestracja: 2013-01-10
«(((Don't say U love me unless you really mean it, because I might do something crazy like believe it ◄◊ ◊ ►BREAKING NEWS)))»
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Ilość potrzebnych punktów: 153

«(((¯`·._.-Boeing 777 from Seoul crashes -._.·´¯)))»

Breaking newsJuegos Online - Poker Texas Hold'em

Venezuela, Nicaragua and Bolivia offer asylum to Edward Snowden

Boeing 777 from Seoul crashes on landing at San Francisco airport

Wreckage of plane at San Francisco airport

San Francisco 777 crash: Aeriel view of crash.

 The U.S. Already Wants Venezuela to Send Snowden Home


Daniel Ortega, Rosario Murillo

Nicaraguas Präsident Daniel Ortega war der erste lateinamerikanische Staatschef, der Edward Snowden eine Aufnahme anbot

                                           Venezuelas Staatschef Nicolas Maduro wollte da nicht nachstehen und bot Snowden ebenfalls Asyl im eigenen Land an

Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro greets supporters as he arrives for a national assembly in Caracas

Russian President Vladimir Putin said Moscow had never extradited anyone before and "has no intention to do so", adding Mr Snowden was free to go if granted asylum elsewhere.



Today's headlines from around the world: 
- Mass political protests grip Egypt



El Parlamento de Portugal ha convocado al exministro de Relaciones Exteriores Paulo Portas, que dimitió este martes, para que explique por qué se denegó el permiso de aterrizaje al avión presidencial de Evo Morales en suelo luso.
Esta solicitud ante la comisión parlamentaria de Asuntos Exteriores responde a una petición urgente formulada por el Partido Comunista de Portugal (PCP), que considera un asunto de "gravedad extrema" y califica como insuficientes e "insólitas" las explicaciones ofrecidas por el Ministerio y la falta de detalles de las "razones técnicas" que alegó para no permitir la parada.
La Cancillería lusa indicó el miércoles que denegó la escala de la nave en Lisboa por "motivos técnicos" y lamentó las "molestias" causadas al presidente boliviano. El avión de Morales aterrizó finalmente en Viena tras tener problemas similares con otros países europeos. Tras permanecer 13 horas en Viena, continuó su recorrido con escalas en Gran Canaria (España) y Fortaleza (Brasil) antes de aterrizar en La Paz.
Bolivia considera que la decisión tomada por los países europeos se debió a unas sospechas de que el ex técnico de la CIA Edward Snowden, perseguido por la Justicia de EE.UU., usaba el avión de Morales para salir del aeropuerto de Moscú, donde supuestamente se encuentra desde hace dos semanas. El conflicto diplomático ha llevado a Bolivia y varios países de América Latina a exigir disculpas públicas a los países implicados. he man wanted in the USA for spying revealed that the USA is illegally spying on the world 

hat was not only degrading but also against International Law.Can you imagine China intercepting Air Force One to search for Dlai Lama.

Every country and leader should be treated with respect and dignity befiting their status.the EU move is highly unjustifiable   

 If they do this to the leader of a sovereign state and member of the United Nations who is protected under international law. Then it is all a sham, and the rest of the world must review all their bilateral foreign relations from now!!!

What the bloody hell are the Austrians doing helping the USA by searching for a international hero????? Where are today´s morals?


  i always see America n Britain as a good government. Just of recent it became very clear to me that both governments are the greatest evil behide most the crisis in the world at large, Iraq, Pakistan, Lybia, Vetham, cuba name it! They are the main reason why most we christians hate Muslims today. If America/Britain is ur friend today...its only bcos u do as they say. Once u decide to gain ur freedom from them u bcome their enemy... I reserve my comment cos i knw someone out there(Obama & Co,.) is reading everything we are posting on




Egypt's revolution not only resulted in the end of a regime - it also inspired a new generation of tech start-ups, inspired by the digital collaboration that ensured their success.

What I can't understand is that you want the Islamic world to have democracy, thinking they will vote for Western styled political party that would bring in sex, booze and girls in the open. You should remember that majority of the Arabs are conservative people who were revolting against their government due to their extreme pro-western policies. See what happens when you enforce democracy unto an entity that does not know its real essence. Leave them to evolve. I guess interference becomes valid only if there is human rights abuse. Other than that there should be no interference as to what type of Government they want to establish.

__here will never be a genuine democracy and a real respect of human rights untill on our Earth there is islam,a totalitarian ill ideology...not even deserves to be called pseudo-religion!If you muslims still have a functioning brain,then check it out:

--- What ever, the so call Arab spring is only a seed who fruits you are yet to regret. I would really appreciate to see social media being used to change the world without young people shading blood like fools.Remember the police who you throw stones at are are also human being just like you. They do their job to protect you are you throw stones at them in the name of being the face book generation. Did you ever thing he at one we had a world without policemen and face book. how did humanity live?


 El ciclón 'Erick' se convirtió este sábado ante las costas del Pacífico mexicano en huracán de categoría 1 en la escala de Saffir-Simpson, de cinco niveles, informó el Servicio Meteorológico Nacional (SMN). El huracán se desplaza a una velocidad de 15 kilómetros por hora hacia el noroeste, con vientos sostenidos de 





Identical triplets Angel, Cesar and Marcos Ramirez Castellano are top young ballet dancers  dancers of gays at the elite feeder school  Cuba's National Ballet. Stupid prejudice, and if they are what's the problem ! ? Congratulations, boys . I love ballet dancers

This Pope was really sent to us by God.He is living frugally and tries to renovate Church according to the message of Gospel.I'm sure he will succeed but he needs time and our prayers.God bless him and all humankind



n Brazil's biggest cities after protesters announced they would go ahead with mass demonstrations planned for Thursday.

People are so disgusted with the system, so fed up that now we're demanding change"

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