
Rejestracja: 2011-07-12
Eu gosto de quebrar as regras, eu gosto do que eu não posso ter ... e fazer tudo o que eu quiser sem se arrepender
Następny poziom: 
Ilość potrzebnych punktów: 158
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16 godzin temu
Gingerbread Buddy18 dni temu
Gingerbread Buddy
Cornucopia Clan41 dni temu
Cornucopia Clan
Creepy Creature70 dni temu
Creepy Creature
Platinum "Expert" Anniversary126 dni temu
Platinum "Expert" Anniversary
GD Heart4 lat 337 dni temu
GD Heart
Gold "Expert" Anniversary5 lat 120 dni temu
Gold "Expert" Anniversary
Happy New Year 2019!6 lat 17 dni temu
Happy New Year 2019!
Gift Bag6 lat 42 dni temu
Gift Bag
100 Years Of Freedom6 lat 66 dni temu
100 Years Of Freedom
Friendly Ghost6 lat 83 dni temu
Friendly Ghost
Dry Eye Cocktail6 lat 83 dni temu
Dry Eye Cocktail
Scary Pumpkin6 lat 83 dni temu
Scary Pumpkin
Gold "Pro" Anniversary6 lat 123 dni temu
Gold "Pro" Anniversary
Lucky horseshoe7 lat 24 dni temu
Lucky horseshoe
Od: puroprazer2017
spero che tutti sogniate nel 2018 e facciano baci grandi amici.
Christmas Gift7 lat 24 dni temu
Christmas Gift
Od: puroprazer2017
Buon Natale che vinci molti regali perché ti meriti
Snowball Glass7 lat 24 dni temu
Snowball Glass
Od: melherseria
Merry Xmas, mio Bello ♥
For my Queen 7 lat 30 dni temu
For my Queen
Key to my heart 7 lat 175 dni temu
Key to my heart
Treasure chest13 lat 12 dni temu
Treasure chest