Rejestracja: 2013-01-10
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+**+Pope Francis Cleans Up Finances in First Year+**+

Image: Pope Francis gestures during the general audience in Saint Peter's Square at the Vatican

Pope Francis Cleans Up Finances in First Year

In his first year in Rome, Pope Francis' comments on everything from gays to atheists have gotten most of the attention, but his aggressive efforts to reform the Vatican's scandal-scarred financial apparatus show he's not all talk.

"What has happened is nothing short of an earthquake in the internal governance of the Holy See," said George Weigel, NBC's Vatican analyst, who had a private, wide-ranging meeting with the rookie pontiff on March 1.

Robert Mickens, a Vatican watcher for The Tablet, the Catholic weekly, called it "the biggest structural change to the Roman Curia in nearly half a century."

And Thomas Reese, a Jesuit priest who is an analyst for the National Catholic Reporter, said it's clear that Francis has gone "full-speed ahead and Vatican finances are going to get cleaned up."
Francis, Not Your Typical Pope


From a secretive bank accused of money-laundering to corrupt purchasing contracts, the Vatican's business operations have been a source of intrigue and embarrassment for a church with 1.2 billion members worldwide.

Under Pope Benedict XVI, Roman authorities launched a probe of suspicious practices by the Vatican Bank, formally known as the Institute for the Works of Religion or its Italian acronym, IOR. For a short time, regulators stopped the Vatican from accepting credit or debit cards.

There was also the Vatileaks scandal with new allegations of financial skulduggery and cronyism. One example: The Vatican paid $741,000 for a nativity scene in St. Peter's Square, twice the going-rate, according to a leaked document.

Benedict began enacting reforms and increasing transparency, but Weigel said his style was ill-suited for the task.

"His problem as an administrator is not that he was the Rottweiler of press legend, it's that he was a puppy dog and he really found it difficult to crack heads and that helped do him in," he said.

Image: Extraordinary Consistory On the Themes of Family Is Held At Vatican
Cardinal George Pell is the pope's man in charge of all things financial at the Vatican.

"This man [Francis], who comes from — as he put it — the ends of the earth and had no intention of doing this job, he is a freer man to deal with this. The fact that this is likely going to be a short pontificate means he doesn't have to think about the long game. He can get it done now."

Francis has certainly not wasted any time in demonstrating that when it comes to the Vatican's money, he means business.

In June, he named a trusted aide to supervise the bank and weeks later axed its director and his deputy. In January, he ditched four of the five cardinals tasked with overseeing the bank, including Benedict's secretary of state, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone.

"The pope is the only stockholder for the bank, and he fired the board of directors," Reese said.

The biggest move, however, came last month when Francis created a new job, the Secretariat for the Economy, and handed hard-nosed Australian Cardinal George Pell full authority over the Holy See's business, administrative and personnel matters.

The goal, according to a Vatican statement, is "a more formal commitment to adopting accounting standards and generally accepted financial management and reporting practices, as well as enhanced internal controls, transparency and governance."


It sounds so sensible, an outsider might miss the ground-breaking nature of the change.

"It's important to understand that this is not just money. It's also personnel policy and administrative policy," Weigel said.


"When you take those away from the people who had it before and give it to an entirely new body run by an outsider known to be a no-nonsense guy, you have created — at least in Vatican terms — a real earthquake," he said.

By the nature of his new title, Pell would seem to be on equal footing with the Vatican secretary of state, reporting directly to the pope.

He's already said he wants to save tens of millions of dollars through practices like quarterly audits and a policy of "two sets of eyes" on everything in the Vatican's $300 million annual budget and $1 billion endowment.

"This is unheard of in an Italian context," Weigel said. "People are going to have to get used to a new way of doing business."

The impact of the cleanup — assuming the new team is as effective as observers think it will be — will go beyond a bottom line that is actually smaller than many might imagine.

"These people are supposed to be holy, and they're stealing!" Reese said of the previous crew of coffer guards. "If you want people to put money in the basket, you want to make sure they know their money is used efficiently and well and for good purposes."

That efficiency plays well with Francis' constant drumbeat for the downtrodden. "He wants to help the refugees in Syria? Well, think of all the money that was wasted that could have gone to the poor," Reese said.

Weigel notes that the scandals arising from church accounts are also a big distraction from the job that Francis — who has always seen himself as a parish priest, not a manager — really wants to do.

"The pope is deadly serious about making the Holy See's finances and administration serve the mission of the church," he said. "This is a matter of getting this stuff in order so it's not an impediment to the evangelization.

"And this is true of the financial reforms put in place in American dioceses — once you do the heavy lifting and you have people you can trust, you don't have to worry about it any more."




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//\ _//\ //\ -//\ "respetar la soberanía e independencia"//\_ //\ //\_ //\

Presidenta argentina denuncia "intento de golpe suave" en Venezuela

Presidenta argentina denuncia

La presidenta argentina, Cristina Fernández, denunció hoy el "intento de golpe suave que se quiere dar contra la República Bolivariana de Venezuela" y advirtió de las graves consecuencias que tendría para la región permitir que "derrumben un país hermano".

"No vengo a defender al Gobierno de Venezuela, no vengo a defender al presidente Nicolás Maduro, vengo a defender el sistema democrático de un país, como lo hemos hecho cuando sucedió lo que sucedió en Bolivia, en Ecuador y como lo haremos en cada país de la región, aun sean de izquierda, de derechas, del medio o del fondo", dijo Fernández durante la apertura del curso legislativo en Argentina. 
"La democracia no es de derecha ni de izquierda, la democracia es respetar la voluntad del pueblo", continuó la mandataria argentina, que vinculó la democracia "a la paz y a la vida". 
"Sería fatal para la región, para la integración latinoamericana que tantos problemas hemos resuelto sin intervenciones foráneas, ajenas, permitir que vientos ajenos derrumben un país hermano", advirtió la jefa de Estado argentina ante el pleno de las dos cámaras. 
Recordó que el oficialismo ha ganado 18 de las 19 elecciones celebradas en Venezuela en los últimos 14 años y pidió a la oposición "que espere" a 2016, cuando tienen la posibilidad de convocar a un referéndum para revocar el presidente. 
Las protestas que comenzaron el pasado 12 de febrero en Venezuela se han cobrado hasta el momento 18 muertos y más de 260 heridos, según cifras oficiales, así como centenares de detenidos.               

Ucrania denuncia que Rusia ha enviado 6.000 soldados a Crimea

Ucrania denuncia que Rusia ha enviado 6.000 soldados a Crimea

El ministro de Defensa de Ucrania, Igor Teniuj, dijo hoy que Rusia ha enviado a 6.000 soldados a la península de Crimea, lo que constituye una violación de los acuerdos bilaterales.

"En este momento, la Federación Rusia ha incrementado sus tropas (en Crimea) en 6.000 soldados... y también ha movilizado fuera de sus bases habituales 30 blindados en esa región", manifestó Teniuj, en la sesión del Consejo de Ministros, citado por medios ucranianos.

El ministro también informó de que militares rusos bloquean edificios administrativos y unidades militares.

Por otra parte, una fuente citada por la agencia ucraniana Unian aseguró que una quincena de militares rusos llegó a una base antimisiles de las Fuerzas Aéreas de Ucrania y, tras reducir a la guardia, entró en su territorio.

Los militares comunicaron al jefe del destacamento ucraniano que su objetivo no es hacerse con las armas, sino tomar el control de ese punto de mando.

Esta mañana, al inaugurar la sesión del Gobierno, el primer ministro del Gobierno provisional de Ucrania, Arseni Yatseniuk, pidió a Rusia que devuelva a sus tropas en territorio de Crimea a sus acantonamientos pues su desplazamiento viola los acuerdos bilaterales.

Yatseniuk hizo el llamamiento mientras militares armados con ametralladoras utilizadas habitualmente por el Ejército ruso tomaban posiciones junto al Parlamento de Crimea en la capital, Simferópol.

"Ahora en Crimea, es inapropiada la presencia de militares rusos. Supone una violación de las provisiones básicas del acuerdo relativo a la presencia temporal de la Flota rusa del Mar Negro en territorio de Ucrania", señaló Yatseniuk.

"Pedimos que el Gobierno ruso y las autoridades ordenen a sus tropas regresar a sus bases", señaló el jefe del nuevo Gobierno ucraniano, nombrado el pasado jueves 27.


Roban "número importante" de pinturas en Museo de Bellas Artes de Cuba

El Consejo Nacional de Patrimonio Cultural de Cuba informó este viernes sobre el robo de un "importante" número de pinturas ocurrido en el almacén del Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, del cual alertó a las autoridades, dentro y fuera de la isla.

"La mayor parte de las obras sustraídas corresponden a Arte Cubano, al período conocido como cambio de siglo (tránsito entre la academia y la vanguardia) y especialmente a piezas realizadas por Leopoldo Romañach" (1862-1951), dijo un breve comunicado de la institución oficial, publicado en el periódico digital

El "importante faltante", cuyo número no precisó, fue detectado la semana pasada en el almacén del museo, dijo el texto y señaló que "el acceso al local no había sido violentado por lo que no puede precisarse la fecha exacta en que la sustracción tuvo lugar".

"Los malhechores cortaron las obras recolocando los marcos ordenadamente, por lo que a simple vista no se podía detectar", añadió.

El Consejo dijo haber puesto a disposición de las autoridades "dentro y fuera del país la relación total de obras con sus fichas técnicas y fotos, con el fin de alertar a museos, galerías, casas subastadoras y otros, de la ocurrencia de este hecho y de la existencia de estas obras que han sido robadas de una institución oficial, y que pueden estar a merced del tráfico ilícito a nivel nacional e internacional".

Merkel defiende integridad territorial de Ucrania y aboga por vías pacíficas

Merkel defiende integridad territorial de Ucrania y aboga por vías pacíficasLa canciller alemana, Angela Merkel, mostró hoy su preocupación por la crisis en la península de Crimea, subrayó la necesidad de respetar la integridad territorial de Ucrania y abogó por resolver la actual situación por medios pacíficos.

En una jornada organizada en Berlín bajo el lema "Una nueva narrativa para Europa", Merkel recordó las gestiones que está realizando en los últimos días, incluidas las conversaciones telefónicas que mantuvo ayer con el nuevo primer ministro ucraniano, Arseni Yatseniuk, y con el presidente ruso, Vladimir Putin.

Según informó la Cancillería, Merkel pidió a Putin "moderación" ante la crisis de Crimea, convencida de que "cualquier paso que pueda contribuir a una escalada" de la crisis.

Hoy ella misma recordó la historia europea del siglo XX, el centenario este año del inicio de la Primera Guerra Mundial y el 25 aniversario de la caía del muro de Berlín, y consideró que "debemos demostrar que hemos aprendido algo del pasado".

"Los conflictos deben resolverse por medios pacíficos, y eso tiene que ser también posible en Ucrania", recalcó.  

Londres insta a Moscú a "respetar la soberanía e independencia" de Ucrania

Londres insta a Moscú a

 El Reino Unido ha instado a Moscú a rebajar la tensión en Ucrania y "respetar la soberanía e independencia" de ese país, según dijo hoy en su cuenta de Twitter el ministro británico de Asuntos Exteriores, William Hague.

El jefe de la diplomacia británica ha hecho un llamamiento a Rusia al tiempo que el presidente de ese país, Vladímir Putin, se prepara para realizar un despliegue militar en Ucrania.

Hague, que viajará mañana a Kiev para reunirse con líderes del Gobierno interino ucraniano, habló por teléfono con su homólogo ruso, Serguéi Lavrov, según indicó el político tory en su mensaje en Twitter.

"He hablado con el ministro de Exteriores ruso Lavrov para pedir que frenen la escalada en Crimea y que respeten la soberanía e independencia de Ucrania", afirmó en un tuit el jefe del Foreign Office.

El Consejo de la Federación (Senado) autorizó hoy el empleo de tropas rusas en Crimea con el objetivo declarado de estabilizar la situación en esa república autónoma ucraniana con mayoría de población rusohablante.

En una reunión convocada de urgencia, el Senado ruso dio la "luz verde" por unanimidad al empleo de tropas en Crimea en respuesta a una petición del jefe de Estado, Vladímir Putin.

Hague también ha departido telefónicamente con el titular alemán de Exteriores, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, para abordar las medidas diplomáticas internacionales ante la crisis, según señaló el ministro británico en Twitter.

Recados Para Orkut


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+**+.+**+.Alert as Russia Moves In 3r War World+**+.+**+..

Juegos Online - Poker Texas Hold'emImage result for images of putin russian presidentImage result for Russian President PlaneImage result for Russian President PlaneImage result for Russian President PlaneImage result for Russian President Plane


Ukraine Puts Forces on 'Highest' Combat Alert as Russia Moves In 3r War World.


Kerry Condemns Russian Action in Ukraine as 'Invasion'

x_lon_neely_140301.nbcnews-video-reststaImage result for Russian President Plane

Image: Pro-Russian protesters with Russian flags take part in a rally in central Donetsk

US President, Barack Obama, has spoken on the phone to Russian President, Vladimir Putin, to discuss rising tensions in Ukraine. Obama reportedly raised serious concerns over any possible intervention by the Russian military. Putin said Russia reserves the right to protect its interests in the region as well as the safety of ethnic Russians in Ukraine.


Pro-Russian protesters with Russian flags take part in a rally in central Donetsk March 1, 2014. The banner reads, "In Russia, we have brothers, In Europe, we are slaves."


U.S. 'Suspends' Role in Russia G8 Summit After Obama, Putin Speak

The U.S. is preparing to pull out of the next summit of industrialized nations — scheduled in Russia — in protest of Russian military moves in Ukraine, the White House said Saturday after President Barack Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke directly by phone.

Obama told Putin in the 90-minute call that he was deeply concerned over Russia's "clear violation of Ukrainian sovereignty and territorial integrity," the White House said in a statement, adding that the president warned Putin that Russia's "standing in the international community" was at stake.

Image: Demonstrators gather outside the White House in Washington


Sen. John McCain of Arizona, a member of the Armed Forces Committee and a leading Republican spokesman on foreign policy, urged Obama to take an even harder line

after the upper house of Russia's parliament gave Putin the power to use military force.

"Every moment that the United States and our allies fail to respond sends the signal to President Putin that he can be even more ambitious and aggressive in his military intervention in Ukraine," McCain said.

 "It is now essential for the president to articulate exactly what those costs will be and to take steps urgently to impose them," McCain said.

But just because Putin was granted new powers to use military force doesn't mean he will do so any time soon, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Grigory Karasin said.In what might have been an attempt to put a velvet glove on an iron fist, Karasin said Putin's power may not be activated quickly.

He gave no time frame for military action, and diplomats said it was possible that the announcement was intended more to send a message to international powers that Russia wouldn't back down over the future of Ukraine.

Supporters of Russia Rally in Ukraine

Demonstrators wave Russian flags, above, at a rally in central Donetsk in eastern Ukraine on Saturday. The banner reads, "In Russia, we have brothers, In Europe, we are slaves."

The Russian parliament’s upper house unanimously approved President Vladimir Putin’s request for a military intervention in Ukraine, according to a Kremlin statement Saturday, deepening a crisis in which both sides accused each other of trying to destabilize the

Image: Concerns Grow In Ukraine Over Pro Russian Demonstrations In The Crimea Region

Image: Concerns Grow In Ukraine Over Pro Russian Demonstrations In The Crimea Region

Recados Para Orkut